If you need any ethernet switches with a tap interface, define these first in /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf. To create a switch, copy /etc/vde2/conf.d/vde-config.sample to a new file with the extension .conf. The name part if that file will be the switch name. So /etc/vde2/conf.d/switch1.conf will be get the name `switch1'. Edit all needed settings in the .conf file. Don't delete any variables, unused variables should still be present but empty. When the script is running, 2 sockets are created for each configuration: /run/vde2/ctl.xxx/ctl for switch control /run/vde2/mgmt.xxx for switch management To manage a running switch: "unixterm /run/vde2/mgmt.xxxx" where xxxx is the name of the switch to manage. To show the vde status: "/etc/rc.d/rc.vde2 status" as any user. Michiel.