PACKAGE NAME: snapcast-0.27.0-x86_64-1_mb.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./slackware64/n PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 2804 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 16140 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: snapcast: snapcast (Multiroom client-server audio player) snapcast: snapcast: Snapcast is a multiroom client-server audio player, where all clients snapcast: are time synchronized with the server to play perfectly synced audio. snapcast: It's not a standalone player, but an extension that turns your snapcast: existing audio player into a Sonos-like multiroom solution. snapcast: snapcast: The server's audio input is a named pipe `/tmp/snapfifo`. All data snapcast: that is fed into this file will be send to the connected clients. snapcast: snapcast: