To automatic start and stop vde2 during system boot you must change the following two functions in /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1: # Function to start the network: start() { lo_up for i in ${IFNAME[@]} ; do if_up $i done if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.vde2 ]; then /etc/rc.d/rc.vde2 start fi gateway_up } # Function to stop the network: stop() { gateway_down if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.vde2 ]; then /etc/rc.d/rc.vde2 stop fi for i in ${IFNAME[@]} ; do if_down $i done lo_down } Edit /etc/rc.d/rc.vde2.conf to configure your vde networks. Then run pkgtool -> Setup -> vde2 and enable vde2 at boot. When the script is running, 2 sockets are created: /var/run/ for switch control /var/run/ for switch management To manage a running switch: "unixterm /var/run/vde.mgmt.xxxx" where xxxx is the name of the switch to manage. To show the vde status: "/etc/rc.d/rc.vde2 status" as any user. The package adds the group vboxusers and users that will be using vde2 should be added to that group. This is exactly the same as in the virtualbox-host package. Michiel.