#!/bin/bash # CUPS print queue plugin for Nagios # Written by John E. Vincent (nagios-plugs@lusis.org) # Last Modified: 06-27-2006 # # Description: # # This plugin will check the status of a remote CUPS # print queue. It will provide the size of the queue # and optionally the age of the queue # # Location of the lpstat command (if not in path) LPSTAT="/usr/bin/lpstat" # Don't change anything below here # Nagios return codes STATE_OK=0 STATE_WARNING=1 STATE_CRITICAL=2 STATE_UNKNOWN=3 STATE_DEPENDENT=4 if [ ! -x "$LPSTAT" ] then echo "UNKNOWN: $LPSTAT not found or is not executable by the nagios user" exitstatus=$STATE_UNKNOWN exit $exitstatus fi PROGNAME=`basename $0` print_usage() { echo "Usage: $PROGNAME -H -T -w -c -a " echo "" echo "Notes:" echo "-H: Hostname - Can be a hostname or IP address" echo "-T: Type of check - Can be queue size (s) or both queu size and queue age (b)" echo "-w: WARNING level for queue size" echo "-c: CRITICAL level for queue size" echo "-a: Max age of queue. Returns CRITICAL if jobs exists older than days" echo "" } print_help() { print_usage echo "" echo "This plugin will check the CUPS print queue on a remote (or local with -H localhost) CUPS server." echo "It can check both the size of the queue and the age of the oldest print job in the queue." echo "-w and -c are for reporting warning and critical levels of the queue size." echo "-a is optional for specifying the max age of a job in the print queue. Anything older thatn " echo "will return a CRITICAL" echo "" exit 0 } check_queue_size() { if [ "$JOBCOUNT" -ge "$critlevel" ] then MESSAGE="CRITICAL: CUPS queue size - $JOBCOUNT| $PERFDATA" exitstatus=$STATE_CRITICAL elif [ "$JOBCOUNT" -ge "$warnlevel" ] then MESSAGE="WARNING: CUPS queue size - $JOBCOUNT| $PERFDATA" exitstatus=$STATE_WARNING else MESSAGE="OK: CUPS queue size - $JOBCOUNT| $PERFDATA" exitstatus=$STATE_OK fi } if [ $# -lt 4 ]; then print_usage exit $STATE_UNKNOWN fi exitstatus=$STATE_UNKNOWN #default while test -n "$1"; do case "$1" in --help) print_help exit $STATE_OK ;; -h) print_help exit $STATE_OK ;; -H) hostname=$2 shift ;; -T) testtype=$2 shift ;; -w) warnlevel=$2 shift ;; -c) critlevel=$2 shift ;; -a) maxage=$2 shift ;; esac shift done # Check arguments for validity if [ -z $hostname ] then echo "You must specify a hostname (or localhost to test the local system)" print_usage exitstatus=$STATE_UNKNOWN exit $exitstatus fi if [[ -z $critlevel || -z $warnlevel ]] # Did we get warn and crit values? then echo "You must specify a warning and critical level" print_usage exitstatus=$STATE_UNKNOWN exit $exitstatus elif [ $critlevel -lt $warnlevel ] # Do the warn/crit values make sense? then echo "CRITICAL value of $critlevel is less than WARNING level of $warnlevel" print_usage exitstatus=$STATE_UNKNOWN exit $exitstatus fi if [ -z $testtype ] # We require a test type then echo "You must specify a test type" print_usage exitstatus=$STATE_UNKNOWN exit $exitstatus elif [[ "$testtype" = [b]* && -z $maxage ]] then echo "You must specify when using a test type of 'b'" print_usage exitstatus=$STATE_UNKNOWN exit $exitstatus else JOBTMP=`mktemp -t lpstat.XXXXXX` # Create a tmpfile to store the lpstat results STALEJOBCOUNT=0 # default number of old jobs CURDATETS=`date +%s` # Get the current date as unixtime $LPSTAT -h $hostname -o > $JOBTMP # run the lpstat command against the host. if [ $? -ne 0 ] then rm -rf $JOBTMP echo "UNKNOWN: lpstat command returned an error. Please test this script manually." exitstatus=$STATE_UNKNOWN exit $exitstatus fi JOBCOUNT=`wc -l < $JOBTMP` # populate the jobcount PERFDATA="print_jobs=$JOBCOUNT;$warnlevel;$critlevel;0" if [[ "$JOBCOUNT" -gt 0 && $maxage ]] then MAXAGETS=`echo "86400 * $maxage" | bc` # 86400 seconds in a day * maxage exec<$JOBTMP # read the file to determine job age while read PRINTJOB do JOBDATE=`echo $PRINTJOB | awk '{ print $4, $5, $6, $7, $8 }'` # Grab the job date from the job listing JOBDATETS=`date --date="$JOBDATE" +%s` # Convert the job date to unixtime DATEDIFF=`echo "($CURDATETS - $JOBDATETS)" | bc` if [ $DATEDIFF -gt $MAXAGETS ] then MESSAGE="CRITICAL: Some CUPS jobs are older than $maxage days| $PERFDATA" exitstatus=$STATE_CRITICAL else check_queue_size fi done else check_queue_size fi rm -rf $JOBTMP fi echo $MESSAGE exit $exitstatus